Pet Love Shack
Seeing Eye Dog - Libby

seeing eye dog

Guide Dogs come in all shapes and sizes.
Seeing Eye Dog "Libby"  helps Jack Jones, 
his owner, to maintain his independence 
after losing his eyesight a few years ago

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   "Are You Into It "TM is a program for kids  who care. Helping out and having fun, that's what the 4 H is into. By combining your concerns about the community and the world with our resources, we can really make a difference. You'll learn a lot and  meet new people. Working together and  having a good time is what 4-H and volunteering are all about.
     Hey kids,volunteering is one of the best ways you can spend your free time. You can learn lots of new things, make friends, and stay away from  the tube! Plus, when you volunteer,  you get to do good things like fixing up old buildings, or helping out people who could really use it.
      If you like animals, there are many things that you can do, like bringing pets to visit patients in hospitals and  their homes, helping out at an animal shelter, or caring for a neighbor's pet while they're away or at work.
      Or, if the environment is a big concern of yours, we'll work together in your
community, organizing cleanups,  recycling programs or anything you think would help the environment.
      Volunteers can also go to special 4-H events like  trips, picnics, award shows, game days, plays, camp and dances. Isn't this better than staying home and watching some old rerun?