Pet Love Shack
German Shepherd Dog
  Discarded Treasures 

Dogs of War

Everyday Heroes: 
Caring For Rescue Dogs 

Life Of A Working Dog 

Old post cards and 
submarine first day covers  

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German Shepherd Dog Rescue (NJ, NY, PA)

German Shepherd Rescue (IL, IN, WI)

German Shepherd Rescue of Maryland (MD, VA, DC)

Mid Atlantic German Shepherd Rescue (MD)

German Shepherd Rescue of New England (New England area)

German Shepherd Rescue & Adoption(Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, NC)

German Shepherd Rescue (San Francisco Bay, CA)

Southern Wisconsin German Shepherd Rescue (WI)

Virginia German Shepherd Rescue
PO Box 126, Sterling VA  20167
Tel:  703 435 2840

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Alabama Arkansas Arizona California Colorado Connecticut
DC-Washington Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho
Iowa Illinois Indiana Kansas Kentucky Louisiana
Massachusetts Maryland Maine Michigan Minnesota Missouri
Mississippi Montana N. Carolina  N. Dakota Nebraska N.H.
New Jersey New Mexico  Nevada New York Ohio Oklahoma
Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island S. Carolina  S. Dakota Tennessee
Texas Utah Virginia Vermont Washington West Virginia
Wisconsin Wyoming

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People and Pets a Healthy Relationship       Elderly Benefit From Pet Ownership
Drug Costs Going to the Dogs?        Pets And Children: A Lifelong Friendship
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"Old Blue Eyes Ralph"         Discarded Treasures
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