Pet Love Shack - Mississippi
Highland Park Mississippi Postcard
Post Card:  Highland Park
Meridian, Miss. -22
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American Bullmastiff Association Rescue Service
(ABA Rescue Service)
Breed: Bullmastiff

Basset Hounds
Rescue Links, Information

Beagles On The Web
National links, information and rescues

Border Collie
Links to information and rescue organizations

Boxer Rescue
Links and Information

Doberman Rescue & Information

Fox  Terrier
     Wire Fox Terrier
     Smooth Fox Terrier

German Shepherd
Rescue Links/Information

Greyhound Protection League

JRTCA Russell Rescue (Nationwide)

Labrador Retriever
Rescue Links/Information

Rottweiler Rescues Clubs 

Visit our adopt a pet link pages to find the right pet for you!
People and Pets a Healthy Relationship       Elderly Benefit From Pet Ownership
Drug Costs Going to the Dogs?        Pets And Children: A Lifelong Friendship
Guide Dogs     doggone amazing ways          Fitness Partners
Links to other Rescue and Shelter Resources
Know Your Personality...  Find A Pet To Match It!
"Old Blue Eyes Ralph"         Discarded Treasures
The Right Pet For You and Your Family
Going Away?  Traveling?  Can't Take "Fido" with you? Hire a Pet Sitter!
Submarine First Day Covers        How To Control Your Cat's Hairballs
Pet Dental Care          Removing Pet Stains        Canine Vehicle Restraint
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