People and Pets a Healthy
Photo: Petie gave 91 year young "Auntie"
Adopt A Pet -
Check out our State Resource Guides including pure breed organizations
Benefits of a cat or dog is a pet topic for Mayo doctor,
by ...Jill Burcum / Star TribuneDid you know that your pet can get cheaper prices at
the vetenarians on the same excact prescriton drugs
that humans ?Disabilities Resources/Information
Elderly Benefit From Pet Ownership
Furry Friends for physically disabled or
hearing/visually impairedPets make great fitness partners
Pets- Putting A Smile on those at Nursing Homes
Pets And Children: A Lifelong Friendship
Real Audio "Seeing Eye Dogs", "Puppy & Tail" slide shows
"Old Blue Eyes Ralph"
Heart Warming Story about a DRU dog nicknamed Ralph
and the wonderful family he found.