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Excessive heat affects animals 
the same as humans

     "Attention shoppers there is a sale in aisle two!"   While pet owners are inside shopping in an air-conditioned environment their pet may be outside fighting for his 
or her life.   It's not just the canine athletes -- the Frisbee leapers, the runners and jumpers -- that are susceptible to heat exhaustion. Every pet is a potential victim of summer's heat. One of the most common causes of heat stroke is leaving an animal in a hot car.
    A little heat outside the car can quickly make it very hot inside. On a summer's day of only 85 degrees, for example, even keeping the windows slightly open won't stop the inside temperature from climbing to 102 degrees in 10 minutes, to 120 degrees in 20 minutes. A dog whose body temperature rises to 107-108 degrees will within a very short time pet can quickly suffer brain damage or die from heatstroke or suffocation. The inside temperature of the car is too hot for anyone, especially your dog or cat.
     Dogs and cats suffer from heat stroke more easily because they do not sweat like people do.  They don't have an efficient way to cool themselves down. If they are panting, it may be because they need the oxygen because they've been exercising, or it may mean they are trying to get rid of built-up heat in their bodies.   According to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, loud, rapid panting is one of the first signs of heat exhaustion. Other signs include rapid pulse, glazed eyes,elevated body temperature, excessive salivation, excessive whining or agitation, staring or vomiting and white or bluish gums. Only one of these symptoms has to be present to indicate your pet may be in trouble.
    What to do if you're pet is exposed to high temperatures from The Humane Society of the United States, Disaster Services:  

Be alert for the signs of heat stress—heavy panting, glazed eyes, a rapid pulse, unsteadiness, a
staggering gait, vomiting, or a deep red or purple tongue. 

If your pet becomes overheated, you must lower his body temperature immediately. 

Move your pet into the shade and apply cool (not cold) water all over the body  
to gradually lower the body temperature. 

Apply ice packs or cold towels to your pet’s head, neck, and chest only.  

Let your pet drink small amounts of cool water or lick ice cubes. 

Take your pet to a veterinarian right away—it could save your pet’s life.

If you see an animal in a car exhibiting any signs of heat stress, call your local animal care and control agency or police department immediately! 

     Taking your pet for a ride may seem like fun, but many pets prefer to spend time with you in the comfort and safety of home. Explore activities that you and your pet can share at home and avoid taking risks by leaving your pet in the car.  

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