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Do's and don'ts around dogs

     The Humane Society of the United States gives these tips on a successful meeting 
     of canine and human:

        * Always ask permission to pet a dog. Then let the dog sniff the back of your 
           hand in order to identify you.
        * Never touch a dog without letting it see and sniff you.
           See a neighbor's dog sitting in the car? Even if the dog knows you, and you have petted 
           him before, never reach inside the window. The dog could think he's on guard and defend 
           his territory.
        * Don't approach a strange dog,  especially not one that is confined or restrained.
        * Never run past or turn your back on a dog and run away. Its natural instinct is to chase.
        * Don't make jerky movements, wave your arms, or scream even in play. 
           Such actions may provoke the dog's chase response.
        * Don't stare into a dog's eyes because that's how dogs challenge each other to fight. 
           Always assume that a strange dog may see you as an intruder. 

     You may want to help an injured animal, but take precautions. Even your own pet may bite if it's in pain or afraid. Don't try to pick him up or pet him. Move slowly and try loosely muzzling the dog with a leash or strip of cloth.

        * If you have a dog, don't teach him to "sic." You would be teaching him that it's OK to attack.
        Dogs can be wonderful companions, but they should be approached with care if they belong to someone else.

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